Fortune Cookie 25 rewrite…

Yesterday I confidently posted a retelling of the Daedalus story…and my facts were wrong. Nobody pointed it out to me, it just hit me while I was driving on one of my many errands that it was not Daedalus who fell from the sky, struck down by the gods, but Icarus, his son. In so many ways, this is more horrifying instead of less. I’m keeping the title of “Daedalus Falls”, but I rewrote it to reflect the true story.

Today’s poem will be along later. I’m working on it!

Daedalus Falls
By Michelle Garren-Flye

Divine wind, bear him ever up
above the clouds to the heavens.
Everyone’s watching, please don’t fail him!
Don’t let me down, help him soar.
Ask me not how I dare to dream, but
let him spread his wings and
unite again with me on the side of safety—
suppose you do!

Flight is all he’s ever dreamed
about but now he’s soaring high, showing
lack of restraint, defying the gods.
Love fails to hold him up, and his fall
strikes me to the ground.

2 thoughts on “Fortune Cookie 25 rewrite…

  1. Ahh, good catch (lol). Aren’t you glad it was you? 😉 I still think your poetry is fire (as the kids say) and what a tale to tell! ❤

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