National Poetry Month: Fortune Cookie Poetry 22, “Success is a planned event”

Today I decided to try a different kind of sonnet. I’ve always been fond of Shakespearean sonnets, but today I opted for a Petrarchan sonnet. I’m not certain I’ve mastered it, although I do have two to share. The rhyme scheme is easy enough to follow (I used ABBA ABBA CDE CDE in the first one, ABBA ABBA CDC CDC in the second.) It’s the theme that somewhat escapes me.

The first was inspired by the teachers of the field trip I just got back from. Petrarchan sonnets are supposed to express admiration for someone or something. I can think of no one more worthy of admiration than three teachers who are brave enough to take 170-some kids on a three-day field trip in which they bring back three trophies and all the kids they left with. That’s well-planned success!

The second is a little more amorphous thematically. I just went for the “I’m in love and I’ll do anything for you” theme. Still, as is the case most of the time, the second one seems a little better. A little tighter, maybe?

I plan to play with this form more.

Photo and poems copyright 2024 Michelle Garren-Flye
Success is a planned event. 

To the Teachers
By Michelle Garren-Flye

I watch with admiration and joy
as you lay out the problem before us
in a manner that makes me curious
about the method you will employ,
the way you will destroy
what would otherwise cause a fuss
but you dispense with it and thus
success becomes our ploy.

To you I must confess
my admiration grows
as I watch you at work;
I know you’ll make a success
for your inspiration only grows
and duties you do not shirk.

Star Hunting
By Michelle Garren-Flye

I’m out to catch a star
for you to place in your eye.
I’ll be back by and by
though I may travel far.
Does this sound bizarre
and do you wonder why
I can’t just leave things as they are?
It’s all because I love deep
and hold my passion within.
It’s worth a loss of sleep
even if on the way I weep.
If I plan I know I’ll win
and your heart safe I will keep.